Cap Ingelec, partner of EcoMicro for the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE)

Cap Ingelec s’engage avec EcoMicro pour la gestion des déchets d’équipements électriques et électroniques (D3E).

Because the treatment and reuse of computer waste is part of our sustainable development policy, Cap Ingelec announces a new partnership with a local recycling company, EcoMicro.

This partnership is characterised by 4 actions:

  • Collection,
  • Reconditioning,
  • Recycling and
  • The revalorisation of this waste.

From now on, our waste will be collected directly by EcoMicro, which has a site that meets ICPE standards and is certified by environmental organisations. It will then be weighed, sorted and referenced to ensure its traceability. All data stored in the various devices will be destroyed, in accordance with applicable procedures and standards. The collected material will be integrated into the second-hand circuit, if possible. The raw materials (metals, plastics, etc.) will be depolluted and then recycled, while the recycled materials will an be reinjected into industry.